Wireless technologies suitable for IoT applications
"When comparing wireless vs. wired security, securing a wireless network is even more important than securing a wired network for one simple reason: Accessing a wireless network does not require physical access to a network jack or cable, as does accessing a wired network. Wireless networks use radio transmissions to carry data between end users and the network and it is difficult to contain those radio waves. Therefore, it’s possible for someone to sit in your office building's lobby or parking lot and eavesdrop on wireless network communications."
How can MSPs safeguard wireless networks against unauthorized access?
There are several tools that MSPs and IT administrators can use to protect the wireless networks they manage, including:
Encryption. Encryption protects the confidentiality of data transmitted via the Internet or a computer network by scrambling the original message with a large digital number (also known as a key). Wireless networks support two types of encryption: Wi-Fi protected Access (WPA) and Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP).
Web filtering. Web filtering restricts which websites a user can visit from his or her computer, minimizing the risks associated with visiting malicious sites that can contain malware, spyware, spam, adware and phishing.
Antivirus. An antivirus helps prevent, detect and remove malicious software on a computer or device.
Remote management. Being able to remotely monitor and manage networks is a must for most MSPs, especially those who oversee several customer networks. A remote management solution gives complete visibility into every device on every network and even sends alerts when devices are added or modified.
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